Atbilde no Karaliskās Mākslas akadēmijas
27. maijs, 2022 pl. 22:19,
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Kādā brīdī parādījās informācija, ka P.Viļumsons studējis Karaliskajā Mākslas akadēmijā Londonā (Royal Academy of Arts). Ir izskatīts šīs augstskolas arhīvs no 1890.-1922.gadam, bet informācija nav apstiprinājusies.
"I have just checked the register of students who attended the Royal Academy Schools from 1890 to 1922 but Peteris Vilumsons is not listed. I also checked through the list of students whose surname began with ‘W’ in case he registered using an anglicized version of his name, e.g. Peter Williamson, but could not find him there either." /Adam Waterton. Librarian/